Thursday, March 12, 2009

so much happening.

A lot has transpired in the past week.
To summarize:

SCT doesn't have many classes for me to teach this summer, I can apply to teach at the zoo but I'm not so sure I'm into it.
Since I won't be working at SCT this summer and since they won't accept my AmeriCorps money, I cannot afford to do the Italy thing this year. (I fully intend to do it next year, hopefully Tad and The Chief will play Italy together!)
Since I won't be working in Seattle this summer and I probably won't have a job in the Bellevue School District in the fall, I have decided to:
Move to Bellingham in June.

I was strongly considering moving to Bellingham this fall, especially if BSD wasn't going to hire me back. (Which, considering the budget crisis they are in, will most likely not happen.) I have been thinking that now is the time to start my theater - there is $50 million going to the National Endowment for the Arts, I really have nothing holding me back, and if I keep putting it off, well, like I said - I don't want to be 40 and wondering why I never did it.

Now seems to be the perfect opportunity. My friend is (was) looking for someone to sublet her apartment, walking distance from downtown B'ham, for a price you couldn't really hope to get a room in a crappy house for in Seattle. A one bedroom! No crazy roommates! And if it's terrible, her lease is up in September and I wouldn't be obligated to stay.

The combination of no job this summer and the available apartment is just too much to say no to. I will miss a lot of things about Seattle, but it won't be that far away. And really, when I break it down, the pros of Bellingham seem to outweigh the pros of Seattle. Which is a bummer, because I wanted to make it in the "real world," and Bellingham still doesn't feel like that to me.

What will I leave behind? My family, but 1 1/2 hours away is way better than 2600 miles or however far away Austin was. An awesome theatre community - but I will be creating my own. Fantastic people - well, much like my family - it's a lot closer than Austin.

If you are wondering what to do with your life - move to Bellingham and start a theater with me!!!

Move to Bellingham, we'll hang out. Move to Bellingham, we'll go all out.... oh wait, that's not how it goes. But really, Bellingham is way cooler than Bremerton.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Another month passed...

I'm still here, still loving being back in the PNW, despite our crazy weather. We had a brief week of beautiful spring, then it snowed. And snowed again. And is basically freeeezing. But I'll take it.
What I've been up to:
I've begun stage managing the late-night show at Jet City Improv. It's pretty awesome. If you find yourself in need of something to do at midnight on a Saturday, come see it. Bring friends. Bring music for me to play, something crazy to put in the Funbucket. Buy a drink. Laugh.

I've also been trying to face the fact that I'm turning 25 soon and still have no idea what I'm doing with my life. In light of that, I've decided that my children's theatre needs to get started soon, for fear that I will be 40 and wondering why I never did it.

I'm trying to get money together to teach at a drama camp in Italy for a month this summer, that will be pretty cool. I need $525 for the TEFL training (Teaching English as a Foreign Language - it's a drama camp with the underlying mission to teach Italian kids English) and money for plane fare, the rest is taken care of by the program. They organize a home stay and pay you a salary. All in all, it sounds like a pretty awesome experience. I have some of my AmeriCorps education award left and hopefully I will be able to use that to pay for the training.

And that's the update for now...