It's mid-October and I'm wearing a tank top, driving around with my windows down.
Nothing quite beats driving around with all the windows down.
Went to the City Wide Garage Sale today. It was fun, I got a "new" bedspread and spent a lot of time wishing I could afford amazing antique turquoise jewelry.
I really want to carve pumpkins and get into the "Halloween spirit" but it seems far too warm for that. Tomorrow I'm going to see if Target has any of their amazing stuff on sale yet. My friend Kate told me about this website that has Obama pumpkin patterns. Amazing! I want to make one like this:
Friday I had my second phone interview with the Dallas Theater Center. I think it went really well, the opportunity is pretty amazing - running the teen programs already in place and creating new ones. I'm thinking about driving up to Dallas next weekend to see what it's like, as I have absolutely no idea.
The weather is so lovely that I opened a bunch of windows in the house today. As I opened one of my bedroom windows, I noticed another bug of GIANT proportions hanging out on my screen. I tried to get a decent picture of it - I still have no idea what it was.
I decided to treat myself to a steak dinner tonight. We made potato stamps at school last week and I had a leftover potato, which inspired me to do the whole classic "steak and potato dinner thing." It was pretty good, but I've now added a cast iron skillet to my list of things-I-need-to-buy.
I was planning on going to Maker Faire tomorrow, because it sounds awesome and fun and ridiculous. However, I have now discovered that it costs $25 to get in. So I will probably not be going to Maker Faire tomorrow, which is kind of a bummer. I'm a little confused by the fact that an event centered around the DIY movement and basically being frugal costs that much money. I guess that goes to show how much I know about the world.
I'm still thinking I really want to be a children's librarian, and it looks like UW has a good program. I don't hear good things about the program here at UT, so that's kind of a dissapointment. (apparently it recieves a majority of it's funding from Dell, which is centered here, so the whole College of Information is very Dell/Microsoft-centric and not so much about the books.)
Basically I think I'm just not ready to apply to Grad School yet. It's a really big step, and if I'm this unsure about what I want to do, I think I just shouldn't do anything yet.
I'm thinking about moving back home when my lease is up (mid-December). It would suck, and I would feel like I was giving up, but it might be the best thing. I'm feeling very lost here, with nothing to ground me. At least back in WA I would have family, friends, and familiar surroundings to keep me from blowing away. I'm not making any decisions right now, but I am keeping the option open. That was a big reason I took this room in the first place - to give myself an out in December if I decided that this wasn't where I needed to be. As cool as Austin is, I'm not going to stay here and drive myself crazy when I don't have to.
So, to sum up my day: I bought some stuff and still don't know what I'm doing with my life. I guess that's an OK Saturday when you're 24.
It can easily take a year for somewhere to feel like home. Homesickness is just to be expected. Sometimes if you start dating somebody it seems to go least it did for me when I moved to Bham (which for the record I really hated until I found a boyfriend).
Go have some adventures. Now is the time.
oh yeah.
As far as the librarian thing: UW is good. I applied last year and didn't get in. Get experience in the field. Work/volunteer at a library. Expect to have to move away from Seattle for a few years after graduations to work somewhere as you probably won't get hired in Seattle until you have experience as it's a competitive field in the NW (partially because Seattle librarians are paid better than elsewhere).
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