This is insanity.
Dallas was fun. As promised, pictures and details:
We left at about 7:30 am. Still dark. I think we are both total rockstars for getting up and on the road that early on a Saturday.
We stopped at Whataburger for breakfast. I'm not usually a fast-food person, but I've heard that they have the best breakfast sandwiches you could ask for, and it was pretty damn good. Plus I love those little fried hash brown things you can get.It's a loooong drive from Austin to Dallas. Long and flat and... that's about it. I looked at the map and discovered that we would be driving past Italy, Texas. We decided we really must stop in Italy. So, we pulled off the freeway, and immediately discovered this:
So of course we stopped and looked around. Turns out, the Pegasus is for rent or sale. It used to be an arcade/ice cream shop/mini golf course. I want to buy it. Too bad it's in the middle of nowhere.
After that brilliant discovery,
we drove into Italy, Texas. The only thing Italy, Texas has going for it is the name. Also they apparently once had a good boys basketball team.
So of course we stopped and looked around. Turns out, the Pegasus is for rent or sale. It used to be an arcade/ice cream shop/mini golf course. I want to buy it. Too bad it's in the middle of nowhere.
Road trips were invented for this shit.
After that brilliant discovery,
1997? 1987? Who knows?
Onward we moved. We made it to Dallas at about 11 and went to the Farmer's Market.
I want to live this farmers market. I realize this is an unrealistic dream, but a person has to have dreams.
After the farmer's market, we went to the Dallas Children's Theater and got a tour from one of the staff members. They have been in the building for about 4 years, so it is really neat to see such a new space. We then got to see the show, Lily's Purple Plastic Purse.
...SCT is so amazing, it's really hard to see Children's Theater anywhere else and not judge it very harshly. I know the script is great, Kevin Kling, who also wrote Busytown, (and who I think is an amazing genius and is how I daydream my Minnesota family to be) wrote it a few years ago, and it premiered at SCT. So the potential for awesomness is there. However, I was disappointed. (Sadly though, not entirely surprised.)
After the play, we went to Cafe Brazil, which I had been told was not to be missed. We stuffed ourselves silly with delicious food, then drove around until we found the Dallas Theater Center, where I have applied for a job (which I hope to have news on this week.)
As it was Saturday, there was a matinee of the current show, so we walked around a bit. The theater is right next to Robert E. Lee Park. Yeah. Welcome to Texas.
The park has a creek running through it, and turtles live there. Very neat.
We picked up a bunch of literature on the new Dallas Center for the Performing Arts being built in Dallas while at DTC, and decided to go check it out. The Dallas Theater Center, the opera, and several other performing arts groups will be moving there when it is completed in October 2009.
It's a pretty freaking big deal.
I had been looking on Craiglist at apartments in Dallas, and found some cute affordable ones in The Bishop Arts District, so that was our next stop.
What a freaking adorable neighborhood! Had I thought to Google it beforehand, I would have known what to expect, but as it was, I was pleasantly surprised. Obama signs could be found in many front lawns. The little shopping area is full of cute boutiques, restaurants with delicious smells, and quirky little shops like The Soda Gallery, a store full of every kind of soda you could imagine. In addition to soda, the store also housed a comic book shop. I had never been in a comic shop before, and I think that's probably a good thing. They have Shaun of the Dead comics! And then there was an action figure and the guy and I talked about Simon Pegg and he told me the name of his business was Boomstick Comics and I loved it all. So, if (and it's still a big IF) I do move to Dallas, I have found where I would want to live.
What a freaking adorable neighborhood! Had I thought to Google it beforehand, I would have known what to expect, but as it was, I was pleasantly surprised. Obama signs could be found in many front lawns. The little shopping area is full of cute boutiques, restaurants with delicious smells, and quirky little shops like The Soda Gallery, a store full of every kind of soda you could imagine. In addition to soda, the store also housed a comic book shop. I had never been in a comic shop before, and I think that's probably a good thing. They have Shaun of the Dead comics! And then there was an action figure and the guy and I talked about Simon Pegg and he told me the name of his business was Boomstick Comics and I loved it all. So, if (and it's still a big IF) I do move to Dallas, I have found where I would want to live.
Then began the drive home. Our one stop was at The Czech Stop, a Czech themed convenience store in West, Texas. I purchased two Kolaches,* an energy drink, and a ridiculous straw cowboy hat that says "TEXAS."
The End
*Kolaches are very big here. They are delicious in that greasy weird way, and I can't quite figure out why they don't exist in Washington.
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