I miss:
My family
My friends
Rain (real rain)
the ocean
the sound of seagulls
the wind coming off puget sound
trees (I know I already said that, but I really miss trees)
There are trees here, but they seem to all be oak trees and none of them are taller than maybe 15 feet. Everything is too low here. Low and spread out.

I miss the Space Needle
I miss being able to tell what direction I'm facing simply by looking at the horizon
I miss hills with a more than 10% grade

I like that there is live music at the grocery store and I like the Alamo Drafthouse and I get to see Wayne Coyne tonight and gas is under $3 a gallon and my roommate is cool and I have met some good people but I just don't feel like I want to live here.
Maybe I'll get a new job and all this will change. Hopefully.
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