Monday, December 22, 2008


We got home. We drove straight through from Redding to Bellevue, and I think we made the right choice.
It started snowing a little just south of Olympia, then increased a lot in Tacoma/Federal Way. We powered through, and it was a good thing, because the snow kept coming and thoroughly messed up the Tacoma area.
Tuesday I had a job interview, then it snowed Wednesday night. And snowed. And snowed. And snowed.
I'm supposed to have work tomorrow morning. Hopefully it doesn't snow anymore. At least until tomorrow night.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

In Redding, CA tonight - we drove a looooooong ways today. Looks like we are definitely going to hit snow tomorrow, hopefully it won't be too bad.
Now - sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a big day, if the meteorologists are right.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Quick update

We are still alive! Currently at my Grandpa's house in Southern California.
Went to the Joshua Tree National Park yesterday - it's a HUGE park with HUGE rock formations and it's amazing. We saw a bunch of people rock climbing and now that's what I want to do - climb rocks in Joshua Tree. Someday.
Apparently the weather gods do not want the rest of the drive to be easy - it's supposed to snow snow snow from the time we get to Northern California until we get home. Yuck. Cross your fingers for us!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It all fit!
We drove all day, through sun and SNOW - omg lots of snow. It was crazy.
Now we're in El Paso and I'm going to go to sleep. Tomorrow - Lunch in Tucson with Moriah and then on to Phoenix.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Step 1 complete!


I think this will all fit in my car... (not the couch and table, thank goodness.)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I've been packing - or at least trying to pack - all day (minus a few hours set aside for my last Flying Theater Machine show), and I'm nowhere near done. I don't know why it's so difficult - I don't own much stuff, only have one box of breakables, and am going to stuff everything in my car tomorrow night.
Maybe it's more difficult on an emotional sense - as excited as I am to get home, back to the rain and the cold and Puget Sound and my family and friends, I am still bummed to be leaving, to be giving up on this dream.
But I'm not giving up, just postponing it. Or maybe the dream isn't right for me and I need to find a new one.
Regardless, I'm not getting any closer to being packed by sitting here writing about it.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Saying goodbye

Today was my last day at the preschool.
It was sad to say goodbye to the kids - they are awesome, even the crazy ones.
Otherwise, I have never been so happy to leave a job in my life. I tried not to write anything negative on this blog about the people and the job as I didn't want to endanger my position (and my paycheck) but now that it's over - thank GOD it's over.
I was at the bottom of a huge pile of 4-year olds today and that was pretty awesome. I love those kids, they are amazing. It's funny how some of them kept hugging me and telling me they would miss me, while others kept saying "will you tell us a story tomorrow?"
Kids are crazy.
I'm excited to start the drive home - it's going to be an adventure for sure.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

reflections on the giving of the thanks

After staying at my Aunt's house for two days, I headed to South Houston to my Uncle's house. (on a side note - getting from North Houston to South Houston takes over an hour. Who on earth decided a single city could be that large?) Being at my Uncle's house was the exact opposite of being at my aunts. I felt like I was hanging out with a bunch of (50+ year old) college boys, instead of at my mom's house. Both were great, I was just thoroughly amused by the contrast.
My uncles were tearing apart the kitchen, in preparation for Uncle Olin's Extreme Kitchen Makeover, 2008; which is part 2 in Uncle Olin's Extreme Home Makeover, Nelson-style.
The guest bath is done. They are finishing up the kitchen today (so the plan went) and will move on to the master bath by Christmas.
We ate leftovers, went to all the hardware stores, drank a lot of Miller Light, and hung out. It was good times.
I also got to see my friends Anthony, Gina, and Nick on Saturday - they moved to Houston not long before I moved to Austin. It was great to see them. We went to breakfast and then a park in downtown Houston where there was - get this - and ice skating rink. An OUTDOOR ice skating rink. In 60+ degree weather. Oh, Texas. Really?
I drove back from Houston on Sunday morning and managed to get back in time to do my improv show - I was very impressed with myself. Driving through Central Texas is a lot like driving through Eastern Washington, except it goes on for a lot longer. A LOT longer. I saw a dead armadillo and listened to Christmas music - exciting trip.

I leave in a week - or really less than a week. I'm not sure what to do with myself right now. It seems too early to pack. I ate too much (not possible!) barbecue and watched some Twin Peaks tonight. I'm going to miss good Texas BBQ. I will have to find a place in Seattle to satisfy the cravings.