Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A better day

Things are better today - I called my work and said "look, I'm going to go crazy and/or bankrupt if I don't buy a car today. Can I skip work today?" and they said "we are awesome and we understand." Or something like that.
So I bought a car. I didn't end up with the Ford Ranger, because the dealership selling it was populated by idiots. I did, however, end up with a Ford. A Focus. I will post pictures later, it's actually a pretty nice car. I don't love it, but it will get good gas mileage and it's a 5-speed, which were my only qualifications. (Surprisingly difficult to meet, however.)
Whatever, someday I will have a sweet car. Right now I just need to get from point A to point B without fear of death or dismemberment.
Returned the rental car and gave them all my money. Being under 25 and renting a car sucks.

It's still hot here. 
The heat is affecting my appetite in a weird way - I'm not hungry until all of the sudden, I am REALLY hungry. Which can't be good for me.
I'm going to try and go see a movie tonight, just to convince myself further that I can have fun in Austin even though I don't know many people yet.