Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Homesick (a little)

Today it really hit.
The homesickness. 
If I had a million dollars (or even a couple thousand and no pride), I probably would have come home today. 
Nothing specific, really. 
I started my new job and it's decent (more on that later).
I still don't have my car, my bank is annoying and car dealerships are obnoxious.
Just a general feeling - I can't have dinner with my parents this weekend. I looked into plane tickets for Christmas and they are EXPENSIVE. It's hard to talk to people on the phone because of the time difference. My mom sent me cookies and they are awesome.

General note for self: going to Starbucks while feeling slightly homesick is the opposite of helpful. All those Seattle reminders: not productive.

Started the job today - lots of training but also some time in the classroom. I really like the teacher I am working with, the kids seem great (although today we only had 16 out of the 21), and I like the whole environment of the school. It's a different philosophy than SCT was, which will take some getting used to, but it's going to be good for me to grow as an educator. (I know that sounds like BS but I do totally mean it)

I still do not own a car, (truck) because my loan officer is an official retard. ("Mentally handicapped person." or whatever.) I understand that her job can't be the easiest in the world, and I'm complicating it by being two time-zones away, but seriously. Don't call me at work and then hang up while my supervisor is getting me. I definitely yelled some obscenities into the ether in my car this afternoon.
So I've now rented this rental car for twice what I originally had intended to. I called the sales guy at the dealership and he never called me back, and now I'm wondering if God/The Universe is trying to tell me something (like "don't buy this truck, jack***").

I feel like I'm leaning heavily on the few people I know in Austin for moral/social support, but hey, I just got here, hang out with me. Soon I will know more than five people and feel better about life, but for now, I hope these people realize that it's either them or the television, and I only have four channels to choose from. 

That's it, it's way past my bedtime.

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